Located in Lubbock, TX | Nationwide Services 

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Rays of Light — Lubbock, TX — Sommertime Soul

Meet the Transformational Coach and

Narcissist Abuse Specialist at Sommertime Soul

Hi, I'm Sommer. I'm so glad you're here!

Being in a covert narcissistic relationship for  14 years, “I’m fine” become my most used phrase.

No one understood what happens behind closed doors, and to be quite frank, I didn’t either. I became the world’s best actress, convincing everyone around me and even myself that everything was"  great." 

"Just keep surviving. "

My head was on a constant swivel, and walking on eggshells was my daily cardio.

I was trauma bonded and constantly seeking the breadcrumbs of affirmations that were being dropped just frequently enough to keep me around.

I became obsessed with keeping my family together and painfully painted on a smile not to raise awareness of what was happening behind closed doors. 

I realized in doing so, I was hurting myself physically, mentally, and spiritually as I was enabling a toxic ideology to be formed by my children of what “family” looks like.

The toxic cycle was my new normal. My health was declining and I knew it had to stop, for my sake and my children’s health.

I sought out therapy, and what started as a journey to “fix my crazy” quickly transpired into my awakening of what I was honestly dealing with.

I am not for everyone, but I cannot stress enough that it is vital to work with someone who understands the complexity of narcissist abuse and has walked the healing journey.

Why Should You Consider Partnering With Me?

I don’t want anyone else to suffer the pain I did for as long as I did. Over the years, I’ve worked hard to educate myself, mentoring others that have experience your pain, and witnessing clients become more confident and empowered in their healing journey. I can now help more sufferers of abuse and trauma to truly heal on a deep level incorporating brain and body trauma unlocking proven techniques.

I’ve achieved the following qualifications and certifications that allow me to do this, and partner with one survivor at a time. 


Certified Narcissist Trauma Informed Coach ™

Narcissistic abuse is TRAUMATIC. Time does not heal narcissistic abuse. There must be intentional cognitive and somatic techniques to heal from the bottom up. Partnering with a trauma-informed coach will help you through the process. We must recover the brain, mind, and body at the nervous system level. We will discover the root cause together and not just symptom management. Healing from narcissistic trauma can take six months to years to recover from the psychological manipulation that's been endured.

Narcissist Abuse Specialist ™ CPD Certified

Moving on from narcissist abuse involves working through the understanding of the abuse and becoming entirely aware. After this is accomplished, we will establish trauma-informed coaching methods to rewire our brain using positive psychology. My mission is to help clients understand their trauma through an empathetic and informed lens in order to move forward and live a positive lifestyle. Trauma can and will affect everything around you from your relationships with others to your relationship with yourself.

Brainspotting Practitioner

Brainspotting is a form of therapy designed to help patients process and overcome pain and trauma. Brainspotting is both a form of diagnosis and treatment, locating and healing the neurophysiological sources of pain and trauma. Brainspotting practitioners guide their clients’ eyes with pointers until a brainspot is activated. The client maintains this eye position and focuses on the sensory experience and emotions they had during the moment of trauma or pain. Brainspotting therapy allows pain and trauma to be activated and healed by the body and brain's natural processes. The brain will begin to dissociate negative emotional and psychological responses with the specific brainspot.

Somatic-Trauma Informed Coach ICF Accredited ( in training)

It is not all in our head; the body holds onto memories of trauma. Somatic is the mind-body connection. This therapy will go well beyond the mind. It also works the body and the nervous system. 

DISC Profile Analysts

DISC® measures the dimensions of your personality. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health, or values. DISC profiles describe human behavior in various situations. For example, how you respond to challenges, influence others, your preferred pace, and react to rules and procedures. It is an informative tool to use in everyday life.

Relationship Coach

Relationships are essential— bringing meaning, comfort, and happiness to our everyday life. The relationship within ourselves is by far the most vital we can have. This form of coaching can help to address issues within a range of relationships, including romantic partners, friends, or even work colleagues.

"Healing from narcissist abuse is not just your normal break-up "

   Unlocking Narcissistic Trauma has no proven timeline. It could take six months to years to heal from the psychological manipulation that has been endured.


 What makes us different at Sommertime Soul, is that our focus is on you, not the abuser. We already know that we can't change their harsh words, and cruel actions; however we can begin to heal ourselves, and transform from the inside out.


 When we begin to heal from the trauma that we did not deserve, we take our power back and cultivate a new self image

Getting a PhD. in narcissism will not change us; however, a PhD . in healing our trauma will. 

If any of this makes sense to you, our Narcissist Abuse specialist understands you and is certified in several trauma healing modalities that incorporate brain and body processing.


Sommertime Soul offers a safe space to  learn why we are feeling defeated and unpack the trauma safely and effectively so you can live joyfully and authentically and begin your healing journey.

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